The Missionaries

Strolling out Mankhool Road the other day, Paraglider was surprised to see a mixed collection of bods literally sprinting into town on the other side of the street. There seemed no obvious explanation, so he dismissed it from his mind. Later, somewhere between Sky News and Helga's new hair colour, it came to him in a flash - of course! They were the bloggers, racing to be first to catch the latest edition of the local papers - to be first to be second to publish. Another Stella, please.


  1. Hi

    What is Helga's new hair colour?

  2. Still blonde but with pinkish streaks. Something like a garlic bulb.

  3. Hi

    How often does she go to Paranormal?

  4. Greetings -
    About once per visit! But of course, like everyone else who features here, Helga is not her real name (though it's close!)

  5. like the pimp said to his hoes..'keep em cumming'..well done write a great blog!

  6. Thanks Malgani - the aim is to entertain - there's more than enough doom & gloom out there!

  7. Hi

    This is a good website keep it up. I went to this chalky's four years ago when I stayed at the Golden Sands Hotel Apartments. I found it by accident and ever since I come back very year even though I stay in the Memberah Beach Hotel near the Bruj and say hello to Helga for me. I know her well

  8. Anonymous -
    That's the same time I first happened on the place. In fact I stayed in Paranormal for 4 months and lived to tell the tale. Since then, it's drifted further East and Helga's less dominant than the China contingent. On the upside, the afternoons which used to be quiet can be quite lively too now.

  9. Still trying to figure out who Helga is; what you were supposedly strolling on Mankhool Road for, and how this part of Dubai could be considered "town". Am enjoying the confusion. A Stella would definitely be in order.

  10. There are two reasons for strolling - 1, to stroll, 2, to get somewhere. On this occasion no. 2 applied. Somewhere was Paranormal. 'Town' is the fourth seagull from the left above the abbra closest to the middle of the Creek. Buildings don't feature in the greater scheme of things. Artificial islands, even less so.

  11. Hi Paraglider

    I am the anoyomous who starts with 'Hi'. Is the paranormal still as good as ever because one of the things I liked about it compared to the Pork International or Byclone is the fact it is more of a pub atmosphere where you meet women and not like a nightclub atmosphere like the other two. I shall be making a return visit soon even though I dont stay there when I am in town and as well as the infamous Helga are there still a lot of Soviet birds there?

  12. Hi

    Is the paranormal closing down or is it being refurbished. I am asking due to the title on your homepage.

  13. Hi Emperor -
    It still has the pub atmosphere coupled with the old craziness that makes it fun. I get very bored with the uncrazy expat bars like Old Vets across the road. Yes, the Paranormal is still far more civilised than Pork International. Haven't been to Whyclone for years: nothing I've heard tempts me back. In the Para, afternoons are fairly Chonese but evenings tend to the ex-Soviets.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  14. lately a russian bird, brunette and about 4ft2 has been frequenting para...she wears gold boots and is a bit cute...thought id add that to the dont mention imperial mints hotel in your blog anywhere..not a fan?

  15. With reddish wavy hair and slightly 'chubby'? She was there on my recent visit. But 4'2" is poetic licence. Under 5', though, certainly.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Wait, why can't the female population have its equivalent of the Para to frequent? You guys keep talking about Whyclone and Pork International (wherever that is) but what about us lonely ladies, where can we find our male Helga?

  18. Well, there's an opening for somebody!

  19. on women cant even post on the 'women seeking men' section..its blocked for some reason....that must blow.

  20. LOL @ Malgani.. I see.. is that where you spend your free time HEHEHE ^_^


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