For Honoured Guests

Doha Stufital is not the Paranormal, and never will be. In fact it's a pretty dismal place with expensive beer (double the Para happy hour prices), a no-cash bar (you have to buy beer-tokens in the lobby), typically a 30:1 male:female ratio, toilets a roach would run from, and, following last month's refurbishment, a roped off V.I.P. seating area. This last passeth all understanding. Surely we all know that when His Royal Highness has a burning urge to boogie on down to the Filipino band he prefers to come in mufti and blend in with the lads from Kerala? Don't we all?


  1. Paraglider

    If you can drop the Stufital in Doha. Despite looking everywhere there is no place like the paranormal. Cheap, cheerful place where you can have a laugh with the girls and not like a nightclub. Is Qatar in general in terms of the bars as dull as the one you are mentioning?

  2. emperor - hi!
    I couldn't agree more. The Paranormal really is an under-rated gem. In Qatar, there is nowhere that even comes close. There are, as you describe, a couple of noisy nightclubs, a few ex-pat drinking dens, heavily male-dominated, and the usual 5-star glitz palaces. This is going to be a challenge!


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